Archives and Traces of Migration Symposium
Dates: May 12- 13, 2025.
Venue: Budapest, TBD
Format: hybrid.
Virtual exhibition
Historical migrations can be presented from many perspectives. The AToM project presents migration from the perspectives of individuals and their life stories. The virtual exhibition, through a scrollytelling approach, showcases personal narratives recorded in documentary and archival material, as well as oral testimonies. Archival traces of migration are dispersed globally. The exhibition highlights the complexity of migration research for scholars, members of migrant communities, and their descendants.
You can follow the exhibition on the following accounts:
Instagram: @atom.exhibition
X / Twitter: @AToMexhibition
Facebook: "AToM Archives and Traces of Migration"
Archives and Traces of Migration (AToM): Finding Aids
This guide includes some finding aids about fonds/collections selected by AToM´s partners.
Taking into account the diversity of partner organisations and the archives they hold and/or
have access to, this guide is not a comprehensive guide to the migration holdings of the partners´
countries. The guide provides an overview of the records, which have been taken into account
for other project activities, such as life stories or exhibitions and, that are connected to the
migrant communities AToM is working with.

This project has been funded with support from the Creative Europe program of the European Union. This website and its content reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.